Yoga Sequence for Menstruation
Traditional yoga was originally designed for the male body. It was a technology only practiced by men, passed down from teacher to student - all male. We still see this influence in modern day westernized yoga. Most contemporary classes do not consider the different transitions of the female body. When there is no attention or care given to the multidimensional experiences of the female body (from menstruation to birth to post-partum and menopause) this can and will create harmful situations for female bodied people.
Yoga is an ancient tradition about liberation and connection. It can and has been used to support and strengthen our own feminine inner knowing. When we incorporate cycle awareness into our yoga practice, we are in essence practicing the truth of yoga. Yoga literally means union. When we are able to sense the needs and current vibratory space of our bodies, and then tailor our practice to support and nurture them, we practice contacting our inner teacher and the channel of wisdom that flows within us all.
Gentle and restorative yoga while bleeding is a beautiful way to connect with the richness of this experience. I generally do this sequence while in bed
Using as many props as you'd like to create an experience of deep opening and relaxation with safety and support. Forward folds to ground energy and supine/seated postures to create space in the belly and pelvic area to ease feelings of heaviness and congestion.
Hold each for at least 3 minutes and focus on lengthening the exhale to encourage feelings of inner peace and rest.
Some general guidelines for practicing while bleeding
Movements to include: Ones that keep the belly soft and open, ones that help facilitate the natural downward movement of energy that occurs when menstruating (in yoga this force is known as Apana), and movements that are grounding, soothing and ultimately restful.
Movements to avoid: Closed twists, strong abdominals, dynamic vinyasa, inversions, pelvic floor exercises, strong backbends (the lower back is more vulnerable at this time because of the hormone relaxin being produced), heating yang pranayama.
When we adjust our yoga practice to honor our menstrual cycle, we practice deep listening with our bodies.