The Products We Use When We Bleed Matter.
Our menstrual blood is far from waste. We can affirm this truth by making conscious and respectful choices when it comes to the products we use at this time.
The reality is, our monthly blood is capitalized on by businesses like Tampax, Always, Playtex, P&G, Kotex and O.B. Following capitalism’s ethos of profit above all, these companies thrive off our menstruation and do so without concern for our health. Their products contain chlorine bleach, dioxin, rayon, dyes and synthetics - all toxic chemicals and known cancer causing agents. This is an alarming fact when you know that the vagina is the single most absorbent portion of the body.
Whereas organic cotton tampons use hydrogen peroxide (a naturally occurring disinfectant), conventional products use chlorine bleach to whiten and disinfect raw materials. Dioxin is produced as a byproduct of this process. Studies show that dioxin collects in the fatty tissues of the vagina and has been linked to abnormal tissue and cell growth, cancer, endometriosis and is disruptive to the endocrine system. When these products are used, small parts of the tampon fibers can break off and stay in the vaginal canal, which have led to bacteria infections and less commonly, Toxic Shock Syndrome. Currently, the FDA doesn’t require menstrual product manufacturers to disclose ingredients or conduct testing to determine their products’ long-term effects on our bodies. Essentially, these companies are unregulated and so their harmful practices are protected.
These companies perpetuate a culture of shame and disassociation around menstruation. I grew up seeing these companies run ads using blue liquid in place of blood with women in white outfits playing sports, while referring to their products as feminine ‘hygiene’ products. The message I took from this as a young person growing into her femaleness was that 1. my blood was dirty and socially unacceptable, 2. when I am menstruating, I should pretend as if I’m not, and 3. I need these products to serve as ‘protection’ against my own body. I internalized these messages which deeply fragmented my ability to be in a present and respectful connection to my body and cycle.
As our blood is very nutrient dense and stem-cell rich, it nourishes the walls of the vagina as it flows down and out. For this reason, and to support the downward movement of matter and energy that is happening at this time, I recommend using products that allow for this process to happen- i.e. ones that do not rest inside of you. My personal preference is period underwear. They’re sustainable, comfy and supportive. If I have the space and time, I practice free bleeding, which is bleeding without any method to catch the blood. I love seeing it drip down my thighs. Where I can, I sit directly on the Earth, and offer it to her as an act of reciprocity and reclamation. There is something truly healing and powerful about allowing your blood to flow unhindered.
If you are using a tampon with an applicator, I would encourage you to buy ones without. Applicators act as a barrier and suggest that we are uncomfortable touching ourselves. There are also beautiful sustainable options like the menstrual cup, reusable pads and period underwear. On average, menstruators throw away 250-300 pounds of tampons, pads and applicators in their lifetime, which give us some insight into the burden our environment bears from this collective practice of disposable menstrual products.
I don’t believe there is one right way to bleed. But I do believe in the importance of bleeding sustainably, in ways that consider the health of our body and Earth. Menstruation is the fundamental process that allows for life’s continuity. It is more than deserving of our respect.